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International Women’s Day & Plight of Women





By: Kabir Ahmad Arbi advocate


Women in the world remained under duress throughout the world. Courageous women stood up to fight against discrimination, exploitation, deprivation and atrocities meted out to them. The historic incident of Copenhagen in   new York on March, 8 where bold women protested against their pay proved a landmark towards advancing of their rights to lifelong struggles for their existence in society International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8th each year in the world to pay tribute to those women who excelled in social, economic, cultural, science, sports and political fields across the globe. The memorable day also realize us not only recognize the contribution rendered  by the fair sex  but also to take steps practically for gender equality, promote  women empowerment .  The state institutions must strive hard to curb violence and gender based discrimination against women. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, women continue to face significant challenges and barriers to achieving gender equality. Since Gender equality is a fundamental human right and is essential for sustainable development, peace, and prosperity. Gender inequality denies women access to education, healthcare and security and safety in the workplace. Their religious, cultural and professional freedoms are curtailed in the society without any justification. The constitution of Pakistan, 1973 confers right of equality to every citizen of Pakistan .Regrettably this is not available practically to all women. Cumbersome process of law restricts its true implementation; hence violence against women is rampant. Domestic violence in any form reflects the plight of fundamental rights for the depriving women in the society. Girls’ education attracted least agenda which has lead to a significant gender gap in literacy rates and limits women’s opportunities for economic and social advancement. Political and economical opportunities have not prioritized in proper way. In recent years, there have been some positive developments in the area of women’s rights in Pakistan, including the enforcement of laws to protect women from domestic violence and harassment in the workplace. The apex court of Pakistan has no doubt given celebrated judgments for grant of women’s property rights in regard to inheritance. Government of Pakistan has given protection to women in terms of polygamy law enhancing fine to the tune of Rs 500000. Employment quota for women in different jobs is also a laudable move towards promoting right for government jobs. However, significant work remains to be done to address the many challenges facing women in Pakistan and to ensure that they enjoy full equality and empowerment. Although government has taken important initiatives to provide many facilities to them, yet a lot of efforts are required to address the issue.

Writer is a retired education officer and PhD scholar.

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